
Guidelines against fake news and conspiracy myths

These guidelines provide information on fake news:

  • How does fake news work?
  • What are tools for influencing information and mindchanging?
  • How do echochambers work and how do they contribute to the amplication of information?

The guidelines also include conversation skills and detectors of false information which first liners may use in order to work with young people on this topic.

Toolbox and interactive e-training course

This practical toolbox is meant for aiding first-liners in educating young people on false information and conspiracy myths. It will contain didactical structures such as presentations and activities, divided between several modules, which first-liners can apply in their own learning environment.

These training modules, comprised of presentations, aim to enhance the knowledge of teachers, trainers, and educators. While these presentations are primarily designed for this audience, they can also be (partially) utilized to explain the subjects in class. However, please note that the full presentations may require an extensive amount of time to deliver in a classroom setting. The activities are intended for use during class or group sessions with students.

Interactive e-platform

This e-platform will be a virtual learning environment where users can find online training modules and participate in learning activities. It will be based on the existing Learning Management System Open eClass, which will be adapted and customized to meet the specific needs of the project.

Extracts and parts of the course will be available not only as interactive web-based contents, but also as podcasts.

Mobile applications  

COSTAID will also develop a mobile application (app) for smart phones. It will contain online materials from the e-Training Course and the Guidelines in a pedagogically sound way. In this way, we support mobility: the user has the ability to learn wherever and whenever he/she wants to learn.

In the mobile apps users will also have access to contents which have been made available as podcasts or which can be activated by smart home assistants.

The products will be pilot tested and validated before the production of final versions.
The first products are already published from November 2023 onwards.